I own a condo unit in Iowa. My HOA has a complaint system where we can submit our complaints but I have not received any response. I have been contacting them for over a week now. It is frustrating not to have a properly working plumbing system!
I agree with lolitaQ that litigation is NOT the answer. That said, if you’re having a hard time interpreting your docs, best to have someone else interpret them for you. Best of luck.
I think a ban on golf carts is reasonable for the most part. Your HOA wants to control the types of vehicles that come through the neighborhood. Maybe golf carts are unsightly or unsafe. Maybe they cause accidents. Your HOA probably has done its research on this and is basing the rule on something substantial.
Hey rigby88! I’m afraid there’s no way to leave an HOA without physically moving out and selling your home. Unfortunately, this is true for most HOA’s, so I don’t think your HOA is making it up.