vote count determines term


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  • #372886

    Does anyone know of ByLaws which state that the number of votes a director receives in an election, determines the length of time served?
    For example, 3 people are running, and the person with the least number of votes only gets a 1 year term while others get a 2 year term.


    I have seen this come up at another forum. I believe I have read bylaws that do specify which director gets which term. If the bylaws are silent (and most likely, state law is silent on the point), then IMO the board can make a reasonable rule to get the election done and fairly. To do things as perfectly as possible, I think the board should publicize the rule in advance of the election. Ideally the board would even have the rule printed on the ballot. A rule declaring that the directors with the most votes get the longer terms seems fair to me and is also pretty usual.

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