Thank you for your response.
Technically, the BOD was within their rights to vote on the issue since it was regarding a ‘capital expense’ item, which according to our CC&Rs and Bylaws which states that a vote is only needed ‘if it requires a special assessment to pay for it. There is/was money in the budget without needing a special assessment. BUT, and yes there is a BUT, it was pay for a new ‘amenity’ to be built in a ‘common area’ which according to our documents, are for the ‘enjoyment of owners’. The underlying recommendation for the new amenity was to ‘improve summertime occupancy of rental guests. It should be noted, that there has been no formal survey, ROI business case, to justify the expense.
As stated in my post, no owner vote was taken yet is had been brought up at a previous Annual Owners meeting that a ‘vote of owners’ would be taken under consideration and at one point the BOD did agree to let the owners vote (as documented in Meeting Minutes BUT, at the next meeting, that decision was ‘rescinded’ due to the clause in our by-laws about only need a vote if a capital expense required a special assessment.