I feel your pain. I went through something similar a couple of years ago. Selective enforcement can really damage the trust within a community. Here are a few steps that worked for me.
Step 1 – Document Everything. Keep detailed records of instances of selective enforcement. Note dates, the rules being enforced or ignored, and who is involved. This documentation can be crucial if you need to escalate the issue.
Step 2 – Seek Support. Talk to other homeowners and see if they share your concerns. Sometimes, a collective voice can be more powerful. If others are noticing the same issues, you might be able to gather enough support to bring more attention to the problem.
Step 3 – Propose a Committee. Suggest forming a compliance committee that includes both board members and regular homeowners. This can help ensure rules are enforced consistently and fairly.
Step 4 – Legal Counsel. If things don’t improve, consult with an attorney who specializes in HOA law. They can provide advice on whether the board’s actions violate the bylaws or state regulations.
Hang in there. It’s tough, but with persistence, you can make a difference.