Hello –
I am looking for some advice regarding my HOA in Pennsylvania. I am not on the board, but do request to see the numbers every month. After 2021 and into 2022 I noticed a budget surplus of around $6500. Basically they budged $!2500 in operating expense, but only spent $6000. The other budgeted amount went into reserves.
In our Bylaws it has a paragraph about a budget surplus and how it must be even distributed or credited to the homeowners for the next annual assessment for monthly payments. It also says this in our declarations, and there is a PA Code about it as well.
I emailed our property management company and board who were less than thrilled that I caught this and admitted to there being a surplus, but they are not going to credit any money back. The new budget does not show any form of extra reserve money budgeted or operating expense, they even said there will probably be a budget surplus this year as well… my reply was “well then you need to make a more accurate budget”.
Emotions aside, they wont talk to me and said I owe them an apology. I don’t know what to do or how to peruse this. There are statements and paragraphs in our legally bound documents that state was must be done yet they are ignoring them. Very frustrating.