Greystone Management Company

About Greystone
The principal values that inspired the foundation of Greystone Management come from long term, first-hand experience in balancing the management of a Community Association. One of the most important contributions that Greystone Management brings to relationships is to instill confidence with Boards, Committees and Owners. Each Association’s concerns and projects are carefully reviewed and addressed by experienced personnel with a sense of urgency and attention to detail.

Fake house on desk real estateWe educate new and existing owners of the opportunity they have to participate in their Community as well as the responsibilities of the Board and Greystone Management, in resolving their concerns. This approach helps to influence pride in their homes and their Communities. These components only reaffirm to the Community the extra efforts taken by their Board of Directors and Greystone Management in creating the unique and rewarding lifestyle they enjoy.

Greystone Management supports the Board of Directors by relieving their involvement with the day to day operations and helping to develop a philosophy for enforcement and identifying maintenance standards for each Community. We help the Board of Directors formulate short and long term goals and maintenance plans with the Community’s best interests in mind. We provide accurate problem solving from our knowledgeable managers with full support of our accounting and administrative staff on a tailored level for our Communities.

Personalized Management
Greystone Management Company offers a full range of tailored Management Services for Homeowners Associations, Condominiums and Townhomes. Let us do the work so you don’t have to.

  • Administration of Association Meetings and Minutes
  • Handling of Elections and Meeting Announcements
  • Legal Assistance with Local and State Laws
  • Assistance with Planning and Structuring Committees

Our experienced accounting department can get your Association back to solid financial stability. We offer full service financial management to include:

  • Accounts Payables and Receivables
  • Budget Preparations
  • Aggressive Assessment and Fining Collections
  • Year End Accounting and Audit Services

Greystone Management acknowledges routine requests for inspections and maintenance within 24 hours. If there’s an emergency in your community, our emergency response professionals are ready to respond.

  • Emergency After-Hour Services
  • Handling Bids and Contracts with Vendors
  • Inspection of Common Areas with Vendors
  • Vendor Screening (Insurance and Licensing Verification)

Enforcement Management
Purchasing a home is a major investment. Property inspections ensure that all of the homes in your Community are within the HOA safety guidelines and will also help to retain their market value.

  • Monthly Property Inspections
  • Full Documentation of Violations with Photos
  • Monthly Status Reports for the Board
  • Quick Responses to Emergency Situations

Developer Services
One of the most important roles a Management Company plays is to instill absolute confidence with the developer and builders. Let us help you build a rewarding and unique Community.

  • Prepare Initial Planning of Association Documents
  • Legal Filings for Association Creation
  • Staffing Assistance with Landscaping, Maintenance, Security, etc.
  • Develop Budgets

Greystone provides Board Members and Committee orientations with our management team, CFO and Collections Department. Training components include:

  • Conducting Effective Board and Community Meetings
  • How to Establish Rules and Guidelines through Committees
  • Budget and Financials
  • Understanding the legal implications and requirements that affect homeowner associations


Proud Affiliations


…. Layering years of experience in all facets of Association Management

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