Removing President from Election Ballot


A board president went on leave of absence 11 months ago,
now his term is up and he has decided to rerun. However,
he has verbally abused members during his term. And, again he
just verbally abused and using vulgar language toward two additional home owners. The current board members will not stand up to him. Our election is August 13. Is there any way we
can get his name removed from the ballot>?
Thank you

– Susie



Hi Susie,

Kindly review the governing documents as there may be qualifications and disqualifications for election candidates. There may also be guidelines within the bylaws about how to remove nominees or board members. You may also raise your concerns regarding the president by speaking with the HOA board or raising these issues at a board meeting. For further guidance, kindly consult a lawyer.


Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.

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