Regulating Guest Parking


Our governing documents require that each unit lot be given 2 parking spaces in close proximity to the purchased unit. This requirement has been done correctly. Our parking lot is mutually owned by the owners through the extension of the property lines through the parking lot.

My question is on the visitor spaces which are offered for overflow parking on a first come basis. How can these visitor spaces be controlled in such a way that a single spot is not taken over by a unit through constant occupation in and provided to all in an equitable manner?

A related question is whether such a visitor spot that is mutually owned can be offered only to those unit owners who are current on their assessments through some routine and proper enforcement method.

Could visitor passes be renewed like your car license each year based on being current on assessments?

– David



Hi David,

The HOA may implement rules regulating guest parking. For example, the HOA may add a time limit for the maximum hours a visitor can park. You may also charge a fee for guest parking, issue renewable permits, or implement a reservation system. As for assessment-based guest parking, the HOA may consider renewing passes based on the resident’s assessment standing. However, the HOA may need to consider how to renew permits within the year if a resident fulfills all their assessment obligations. It may also be best to consult an attorney to ensure these policies comply with the law and the governing documents.


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