Is an HOA Required to Inspect for Violations?


Is an HOA required to inspect the community for violations? HOAs are critical of Members who report violations; HOAs act against reports of clear violations. HOAs side with the violating parties. Why must violations be reported when the HOA should inspect and discover violations?

– John



Hi John,

It is common practice for an HOA to accept violation reports from residents. However, an HOA should not act blindly based on such a report. The HOA must investigate the report and confirm the violation before proceeding with enforcement action.

It is part of an HOA’s responsibility to enforce the rules of the community. This involves inspecting the community for violations and taking appropriate action. When violations go unchecked, the HOA will have a harder time dealing with them in the future.

If you are unsatisfied with the way your HOA is being run, it is best to get in touch with your HOA board or manager. Raise your concern at the next board meeting or inform them through other available channels.


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