My HOA states they do not have to follow federal and state HUD/FHA ESA guidelines since the units are each privately owned and not rentals. So, I am being forced to sell my unit, as the bylaws say no animals and my ESA letter was denied. They threatened me that the police would come take my dog, on a Sunday within half an hour of them giving me a letter saying he has to go. Although the lady (ESA letter also) beneath me is allowed to stay with her cat. Mine is a dog.
Also the board made up their own rule, without a meeting, we didn’t have a rule in place before, regarding the security cameras and excluded visual access to them to only board members. I, the former president and I had set them up was the only other person that was looking at the views. I definitely feel targeted. Harassed. And discriminated. How in this time can we take such a leap backwards. Here in Fargo Nd
– Susan
Hi Susan,
Homeowners associations and condominiums do have to comply with the Fair Housing Act’s reasonable accommodation requirements as stated on the website of the Department of Justice. You can file a complaint with the North Dakota Department of Labor & Human Rights or HUD. You may also file a private lawsuit in federal or state court. As for changing a rule without a meeting, make sure to check your bylaws and CC&Rs to see if this is allowed by your association. If you feel discriminated against or harassed, try to file a complaint with the agencies listed here or seek legal counsel from an attorney.
Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.