Hi, Im a leg amputee with balance problems and I bought a condo in a complex because I was told and read about the excellent HOA that included secured access to the building, elevators to my condo on the 2nd floor, handicap parking, dog park, sidewalks to all the shops close by and snow removal which is necessary in Colorado for October-May. I pay a hefty fee of $389 a month fee to the HOA for a 1000 sq ft condo for this. SO far in the 2 years Ive lived here every time its snowed which has been too many to count its longer than 24 hours before the sidewalk gets cleared, even on days when its stopped snowing and its sunny outside. Sometimes they don’t even clear it. The law in CO for Private homes is 24 hours after it stops snowing you have to clear the sidewalk but for Condos and Apts its as soon as the snow stops, especially to the handicap accessible parking. The crazy part is that where I park , the person they hire to clear the parking lot (only) scrapes all the snow into my car up to feet sometimes depending on how much snow has fallen. I can’t even get to my car at times. Its bizzare! And this is handicap! I don’t know what to do. Ive had to send emails to the HOA just to get the sidewalks cleared several times. Please help. I pay through the nose to have to live this way and have fallen and broken my prosthetic before and bruised my knees terribly because of slipping on ice because there wasn’t any salt out. I have a service dog I have to take out 4-5 times a day regardless of the weather. Please help. Thank you.
– Heather
Hi Heather,
It is best to bring this matter to your HOA board or manager. You can do that by sending them private correspondence or by raising the issue at the next open board meeting. If your board is not doing its job, you might be able to remove problem directors. The exact procedures and requirements for that should be outlined in your governing documents, specifically the bylaws. Beyond that, you may want to consider consulting a lawyer.
Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.