Complaining About Neighbors’ Parking Violations


I don’t like to over complain but recently we’ve had issues of neighbors frequently violating parking in our neighborhood. Our streets are narrow just barely enough to let two standard sized vehicles pass. Frequently we will get self entitled neighbors that insist on parking on the side walks, in the fire lane and even blocking mail boxes. Generally I don’t mind <48 hrs because things come and go. After 72 hrs that’s when it becomes a nuisance to frustration. we have plenty of public parking easy to access not far from each home and people refuse to use it. Lately I’ve had a neighbor across from me allow her visiting friends or family to spend the night. That’s all swell I always encourage family time. She allows her friend to park in front of the mail box and block it. She frequently sits in the fire lane for 72+ hrs vehicle unmoved. This makes it more difficult for me to back out of my driveway safely. Not to mention we can go days without getting mail. Was I right to complain? She’s had repeated warnings about doing this in the past. The individual(s) she has over are more than able bodied enough to walk 500 ft to the parking spots. If they’re full at night there’s generally a few open by 8 am.

– Ranee



Hi Ranee,

Homeowners associations typically have parking rules and restrictions. If your neighbors are in violation of these rules, you may report them to your HOA board or manager. This helps the association maintain peace and order in the community as well as enforce the rules in a consistent manner.


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