Board Members Working Against Each Other in FL


We have an elected board member who has the responsibility of roofs in our HOA. This board member received the most votes in the last election. The President and a couple of other board members do not like this person because she is not afraid to ask questions or disagree with some decisions they make, like their failure to secure bids for much of the work around community property. They are close to the contracted maintenance company and prefer to just pay them extra to do the work.

Therefore, they go around her when there are contract decisions or even decisions in her area of responsibility. Often times this type of responsibility is given to a man on the board and she learns about it at the board meetings. Board meetings are getting out of hand. Many people have stopped attending. The board President has a short fuse and right or wrong, he often interrupts and cuts people off who disagree with him.

So what can the offended board member or a resident of the HOA do at this point? We elected this person, but she is not allowed to do her job.

– Linda



Hi Linda,

It is important for the HOA board to work together as one. If there are board members who are posing a problem, you might consider removing them from the board. You can find the requirements and procedures for removing board directors under Section 617.0808 of the Florida Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (if your HOA is organized as a nonprofit corporation). You should also check your bylaws as those documents should contain instructions on how to remove directors as well.


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